[Wiki] Best practices for paper writing (and arXiv submissions)

Language and Grammar

As someone asked before, there is a need for professional grammar checking services. Unfortunately, we have been informed that currently we are not in the best position to invest in one. A combination of free tools can be helpful in improving academic writing:

  1. Grammarly (free) for some simple grammar issues.

  2. For Overleaf, Writefull can be quite handy. It analyzes the text over a huge corpus of scientific literature and provides suggestions.

  1. Then there is LanguageTool which is a wide set of tools for enhancing writing with extensions and APIs for all sorts of things:

Some advice on using LaTeX

arXiv tools

For cleaning up comments or any private info in your tex files (unless you want them to show up as jokes online):

For making a self-contained tarball for upload to arXiv (tests the PDF generation and includes the bibliography in the right .bbl format) and also cleaning comments:

This latter tool can be used directly from Overleaf as well (see bottom of README).

Actual writing

Starting February 2021 the department is offering to all PhD students access to the professional version of Overleaf. If you, or your advisor, are working with a Master’s or undergrad student, or a student from another department you can petition techstaff to add that person to the professional license.

There are some UChicago-specific templates over on Overleaf:

Apart from Overleaf (when working with collaborators), @kartik mostly uses VSCode along with this collection of extensions — LaTeX Workshop - Visual Studio Marketplace — it provides quite an effective writing experience. He especially likes the bibliography align and sort option in the TeX pane.

For building PDFs, he likes to use the following build system. It looks quite nice and clean in the terminal, but can also be integrated with the above VSCode extension as the build target:

Artifact Evaluation

  1. Empirical Evaluation Guidelines, blog post:
  1. Proof Artifacts Guidelines for Submission and Reviewing

Some more resources here:

Archival quality PDF generation

Syntax Highlighting and colors

Tools and resources for color blindness

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