How to add/invite other grad students here?

Hey folks

I noticed in the logs that someone tried to search for “how to add people” and most likely did not find what they were looking for. I thought I will answer that question here so that you can invite your friends (other grad students) here.

It’s as simple as sharing the URL of the forum with them and asking them to click on the blue Sign Up/Log In button on the top-right to “Create New Account” using their UChicago email ID.

Here’s how they look on desktop:

You may use the following text (or any of its variant) if you are sending this out to your friends:

Hey friends

I would like to invite you to join

The UChicago Grad Community
A place for UChicago Grad Students to engage in civilized discussion

If you’re interested, click the link below and use the blue Sign Up/Log in button on the top-right to “Create New Account” using your UChicago email ID.

Here’s what all you can do on the forum: Various ways to use this forum with your fellow grad students