Monday, November 5
JCL 346
The Serendipitous rise and evolution of GPUs, explained
This is an announcement for the Pizza Seminar, a new grad student initiative where PhD students present to each other over a free lunch. Talks can be a chance to present something from your research of general interest, practice a conference presentation, or just tell us about something interesting. After all, we all spend a lot of time doing CS; might as well inform everyone else what you do!
The talk will take place in JCL 346 on Monday, November 5. The presenter for this week will be Suhail Rehman (@suhail),
The Serendipitous rise and evolution of GPUs, explained
As a 90s kid obsessed with videos games growing up, I’ll talk about how hardware
designed to render polygons became a natural conduit for all sorts of parallel
processing, from crypto mining to deep learning.