[Free food] Galen Harrison: Tech Policy: A Brief Overview

Monday, April 15
JCL 390

Tech Policy: A Brief Overview

This is an announcement for the Pizza Seminar, a grad student initiative
where PhD students present to each other over a free lunch. Talks can be
a chance to present something from your research of general interest,
practice a conference presentation, or just tell us about something

The talk will take place in JCL 390 on Monday, April 15. Galen Harrison
will tell us a drop about the wide world of public policy,

Tech Policy: A Brief Overview
From GDPR, to Senator Warren’s plan for breaking up the big tech
companies, to the recently introduced Algorithmic Accountability Act,
lawmakers both in the United States and elsewhere have expressed
increased interest in regulating technology. What are the legal
principles that guide and limit these interventions? Who are the main
political actors? What do people mean when they say that they need
people with a technical background in government? I will provide a broad
overview of these topics drawing on my experience working at a tech
policy organization this summer.