Biblatex-software package available for citing software artifacts

From: Roberto Di Cosmo
Subject: biblatex-software package available for citing software artifacts
Date: Monday, May 4, 2020 at 7:47:48 AM CDT

Dear all,

software is a pillar of modern research, and yet, no support for
citing software projects was available in any common bibliography style.

Change is coming: this message is to announce the availability of the
biblatex-software package, that adds support for properly
managing software entries in bibliographies for BibLaTeX

You can find it on CTAN at: CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-software

biblatex-software introduces four specific bibliographic entries for
describing respectively software, software versions, software modules and
code fragments
, designed by a dedicated task force at Inria composed of
Pierre Alliez, Roberto Di Cosmo, Benjamin Guedj, Alain Girault, Mohand-Said
Hacid, Arnaud Legrand, Morane Gruenpeter, Xavier Leroy, Nicolas Rougier and
Manuel Serrano.

This is actually a bibliography style extension, which means that one
can add support for these four software entry types to any
other BibLaTeX style
used in documents typeset in LaTeX, including in
particular the biblatex style for ACM articles CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/acmart.
It requires the Biber back end, though, so do not try it with pure BibTeX.

Full documentation and examples are included in the package, see in

Feel free to use this style, and forward this message to anybody interested.

Contributions are welcome, in particular in the form of localization
strings (English and French are already done) on gt-sw-citation / bibtex-sw-entry · GitLab



Computer Science Professor
(on leave at INRIA from IRIF/Université de Paris)

Software Heritage
Bureau C328 Twitter :

A good overview of the Software Heritage project is available at:

See also: A Checklist Manifesto for Empirical Evaluation: A Preemptive Strike Against a Replication Crisis in Computer Science

Press release: