Wellness Center Town Hall

As Provost Daniel Diermeier and Dean of Students in the University Michele Rasmussen announced in October, the University will be building a new student wellness center to further enhance our health, counseling and wellness resources for UChicago students. To ensure that the new center provides an exceptional student experience, Campus and Student Life is seeking direct student input as we design the space.

To this end, Campus and Student Life is hosting a Town Hall where you can meet the architects, receive an update on the current planning for the center, and provide input on its features and functionality. Your input will be especially helpful regarding the design aesthetic, entry and check-in experience, integration across services, and layout of lounges and waiting areas.

The Town Hall will be held on Wednesday, November 28, from 5:30–7:00 p.m. in Saieh Hall, Room 203. Food will be served. You can register for the Town Hall here .

I also encourage you to complete a brief survey that will help in the design of the center. If you are not able to participate in the Town Hall, you can still complete the survey or provide feedback directly to the architects by writing to UChicago_SHCW@WightCo.com (Wight & Company are the architects for this project).

RSVP: https://csl.uchicago.edu/form/wellness-center-town-hall