Jean Salac - Beyond Child's Play: Understanding & Supporting Program Comprehension in Young Learners

Monday 11/30
Speaker: Jean Salac

Understanding & Supporting Program Comprehension in Young Learners

Worldwide, many countries are integrating Computer Science (CS) and Computational Thinking (CT) instruction into elementary school curricula. This push for CS/CT instruction in younger ages increases the need to better understand how young learners come to a comprehension of programs and how they can be effectively supported in their learning. However, research into this age group (ages 10-15) is relatively thin, especially when compared with research into university-age learners. Research for university-age students is unlikely to directly translate to younger learners, who do not have the same cognitive load, maturity, or motivation. Further, the context and environment in which students learn computing in elementary schools differ greatly from the university setting, making direct translation difficult, if not impossible.

This dissertation proposal outlines a series of studies that illuminate the contributing factors to comprehension, the different types of comprehension achieved, and the strategies that support program comprehension in young learners. We have found that societal factors, such as school environment, gender, and under-represented minority status, and academic factors, such as reading and math proficiency, contribute to various aspects of program comprehension. Further, our studies revealed that students frequently use code that they only demonstrate a functional, not a structural, understanding of, when learning in an open-ended curriculum. To bridge these gaps in elementary program comprehension, we developed two strategies: TIPP&SEE, inspired by previewing and navigating strategies in reading, and diagramming, inspired by similar strategies used in university CS and elementary math. Exploratory studies have shown TIPP&SEE to be associated with positive performance differences in summative CT assessments and in project completion rates, as well as with narrowed gaps between students with and without academic challenges. This proposal also presents a final set of studies to investigate the effectiveness of diagramming as a strategy for elementary computing. Taken together, this body of work aims to deepen our collective understanding of program comprehension in young learners for more effective and equitable implementations of elementary CS/CT curricula.

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