[Free food] Student Seminar: Tushant Mittal: Ultrafilters, Dictators, and God

The Student Seminar (previously called the Pizza Seminar, but this year we will have more than pizza!) is back! If you’re new, the Student Seminar is a place where PhD students present to each other over a free lunch. Talks can be a chance to present something from your research of general interest, practice a conference presentation, or just tell us about something interesting.

The first talk of the year will take place in JCL 390 on Monday, October 14. Tushant Mittal (@tushant) will use math to conclude things about the real world, which is always dangerous,

Ultrafilters, Dictators, and God

Abstract - Ultrafilters are a powerful tool in mathematics and can be used to give alternate proofs of well-known theorems. In this talk we’ll look at what they are and how they can be used to prove two interesting results - namely that God exists and that democracies don’t!